
New and Improved Pcap Utility

It's been three years since I wrote the first pcap-util perl script for splitting and searching pcap capture files, and now largley thanks to Damien Mascord of we have an update. Prepare yourself to be amazed by the sequal: "Pcap Util 2, Attack of the Application Layer"

Utility for processing pcap dumps

tcpdump, ethereal, wireshark, snoop, etc all use the pcap file format for saving packet capture information. That means you can capture information from say OpenBSD PF and then analyse the data in wireshark. The only problem I find is that capture files can get huge and when that happens they are a real PITA to analyse.

Cisco 2950

Cisco IOS commands to perform a manufacturer reset and do some basic configuration on a 2950 switch (probably others).
Resetting the switch
To rest the switch: Connect to the console line and then poweroff the switch (pull the plug). Hold the mode button on the front and power it on. 
You should see the following on the console: