Solaris Patch Cluster Management

Sun release security updates for their Operating Systems through "Recommended and Security" patch clusters. Generally if Sun fix something that isn't critical or security related only customers with a maintenance agreement get access to it.
Sun provide a patch manager for Solaris 8 and 9, but it requires the developer system to be installed because of all of it's dependencies. On a hardened production system this can be a real PITA.
I have used this script (Updated to use sunsolve IDs since Sun stopped anonymous access) to keep up-to-date with the patches included in these security clusters. 
Download the script ==>
There is a large comment at the top of the script explaining it's use. Basically you need to download the currentcluster and it's readme. Sort the readme in to a list of patches and save it as cluster-9-recommended-{date}. Then set the script to run from cron. Whenever new patches are added to the cluster it will download the updates for you. You shouldn't need to download a 100MB cluster ever again. 